Office Hours
Insurance Products Offered
Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet
Other Products
Banking, Annuities
Joe D Dominguez
Office Hours
Corona, NY 11368
1 block north of The Parkside Restaurant
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Would you like to create a personalized quote?
Office Info
Office Info
Office Hours
(718) 595-0780 -
(718) 606-8566
Insurance Products Offered
Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet
Other Products
Banking, Annuities
Office Info
Office Info
Office Hours
(718) 595-0780 -
(718) 606-8566
Simple Insights®
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
What's at stake if you're caught drunk driving? A lot. These tips help you avoid the dangers of drinking and driving.
Planning for the recently divorced
Planning for the recently divorced
When you find yourself going through a divorce there are typical steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.
What is the difference between a will and a trust?
What is the difference between a will and a trust?
Wills and trusts are an important part of estate planning. Wherever you are in the planning process, know your options.

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Miguelina Nunez
Office Manager
License #LA-1286393
Miguelina was born and raised in Jackson Heights-Queens she is a Queens girl inside and out. For 12 years she has been providing auto, home, health and life insurance counseling for our customers. Miguelina provides care, customer service and value to her customers so much so that referrals from all our area come in asking for her by name and they know that they will leave with the right solution for their needs.
Miguelina nació y creció en Jackson Heights-Queens, es una chica de Queens por dentro y por fuera. Durante 12 años ha brindado asesoría en seguros de automóviles, hogar, salud y vida a nuestros clientes. Miguelina brinda atención, servicio al cliente y valor a sus clientes a tal punto que llegan referencias de toda nuestra área preguntando por ella por su nombre y saben que se irán con la solución adecuada a sus necesidades.
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Areli Perez
Account Representative
License #LA-1744970
Areli Perez was born in Manhattan and raised in Queens. As a first generation proud New Yorker Areli still holds onto her Mexican roots very strongly. Being a mother of 3 beautiful children she and her husband enjoy their family time and family activities very much. Formally a teacher’s assistant as well as a customer service rep in different capacities Areli’s commitment to customer service is second to none. Areli is a wonderful addition to our team and her customers really enjoy working with her on a daily basis.
Areli Pérez nació en Manhattan y creció en Queens. Como orgullosa neoyorquina de primera generación, Areli todavía se aferra con mucha fuerza a sus raíces mexicanas. Siendo madre de 3 hermosos hijos, ella y su esposo disfrutan mucho del tiempo y las actividades familiares. Formalmente asistente de maestro y representante de servicio al cliente en diferentes capacidades, el compromiso de Areli con el servicio al cliente es insuperable. Areli es una maravillosa incorporación a nuestro equipo y sus clientes realmente disfrutan trabajar con ella a diario.
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Yenilian Ferrera
Customer Service Representative
License #LA-1774382
Yeni, was born in Manhattan and raised in Queens another local girl that loves her community! Yeni’s love of assisting others originated in the Medical/Physical Therapy field. This love of assisting others has carried on into providing great service and attention to detail to our customers who we greatly value! Yeni loves learning new things and believes that “Knowledge is Key” to growing everyday and helps in assisting others in their own growth. As a mother of one family is the most important thing to her and the building of memories with her daughter is truly a blessing. Yeni has been a great addition to our team!
Yeni, nació en Manhattan y creció en Queens, ¡otra chica local que ama a su comunidad! El amor de Yeni por ayudar a los demás se originó en el campo de la fisioterapia y la medicina. ¡Este amor por ayudar a los demás se ha traducido en brindar un excelente servicio y atención al detalle a nuestros clientes a quienes valoramos mucho! A Yeni le encanta aprender cosas nuevas y cree que "el conocimiento es clave" para crecer todos los días y ayuda a ayudar a otros en su propio crecimiento. Como madre de una familia, es lo más importante para ella y construir recuerdos con su hija es una verdadera bendición. ¡Yeni ha sido una gran incorporación a nuestro equipo!
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Michael Alvarez
Office Representative
License #LA-1314405
Mike was born in Ecuador and was raised in Jackson Heights-Queens. With over 7 years of insurance experience Mike provides his customers with guidance in auto, home and life insurance. Customer service is an important piece to his customer relationships...his customers love him!
Mike nació en Ecuador y se crió en Jackson Heights-Queens. Con más de 7 años de experiencia en seguros, Mike brinda a sus clientes orientación en seguros de vida, hogar y automóviles. El servicio al cliente es una parte importante de sus relaciones con los clientes... ¡sus clientes lo aman!